Saturday, October 11, 2014


Follow them rules for fun, because that's what we do - for the why.
What is that, you ask?  The tautological fun just because we're supposed to –
we do.  Just because you just told us to, we won't.  I'll stick out my tongue and break
only the rules I'm really not supposed to break.  They'll break to my will and I'll have
my fun.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Pain Convenient

Wake up
turn the lights on.
The city, the money
the hard and soft wires, waves -
forms of living that beckon you
endure the buzzing electric static between
clear pictures.  The headache in the midst of love.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Encompass Within It Et Al

We wonder here and now.  How and what it must have felt
for those souls long gone by now.  Those we loved and those we dreamt of.
The sea runs softly if you know it like a single body.  The internal sex
running along the sandy shores wrapped around our worlds, the ebbing
the webs, the eggs, waiting - floating, seeking to grow like eyes looking
toward the light of futures surfacing, beads of water falling.  Goggles wiped -
fresh air gasped.  At the permeable membrane of conscious liquid,
your arms spread apart like wings, helping just a little bit.